Two New Updates Available for Nokia Lumia

Posted by Admin on 07:52 in , , , , |
Application Camera Extras and Contact Share on Nokia Lumia devices announced. The two new applications were announced last month and already released in some countries such as United States and China, and now come to Windows Phone Marketplace. Extra camera (Camera Extras) enhance the capabilities of the camera Lumia with a host of new features and shooting options, while the Share (Contact Share) is an easy way users share their contacts via SMS or email. Camera Extras - the Lumia camera enriched with a host of new features and shooting options: - Smart Group Shot: Taking group shots with a single effort by choosing the best person for each person - Action Shot: Capture images in fast action scenes and motion with a single click and significantly improved download speeds - Panorama: This new feature allows easy downloading beautiful panoramic photos with precise alignment - Self-timer: Setting the Lumia a stand, so that the user can see himself in more photos Contact Share - an easy way to share contacts via SMS or email: Contact Share The service allows users to exchange contacts with friends, family or colleagues. The Contact Share is a quick and secure way of transferring information about a person, such as name, address, telephone and email address, allowing the user to complete the exchange without any typing, while simultaneously minimizing the probability of error logging. According to the company, users of Nokia Lumia 710 and Nokia Lumia 800 will first need to install the most recent software update. The software update also offers new features including the ability to flip-to-silence and shared Internet connection.

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