Facebook 5 for iOS with significant improvements in speed

Posted by Admin on 22:25 in , , , , |
The previous versions of the application for the portable Apple devices were very slow in speed, uploading content using the technology HTML5, after the alter for the screens of the device that was running. The new version is made through native tools for iOS application development (programming language Objective-C) so that users can observe from the outset noticeable difference in speed to about double. Remember that the first version of the application was developed in 2009 by the language Objective-C, but immediately replaced by HTML5, because of Apple's strict restrictions on the publication of applications in App Store. Facebook As the most noticeable is the difference in starting application, while navigating the flow of recent updates and when loading images. In fact, it states that the load images instantaneously. Furthermore, the new version of the application includes the notification bar which is updated in real time for new notifications and messages even when reading any article or publication. You can download free Facebook 5 for iOS in the App Store from your device. The app is available for devices iPhone, iPod and iPod Touch.
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